
Here you are, reading about the pearly white beauty we call Moonstone. As the name suggests, this amazing stone has a deep connection to the moon and harnesses the intense powers and energies of our Mother Moon. Moonstone is a fairly common stone, and can be found all over the world in locations such as Sri Lanka, India, United States and even Australia.

The beauty of Moonstone is in the colours – ranging from blue to purple to gold, all immersed in a powerful shimmery white. As each stone is unique in colour they are also unique in power. The clearer the white and more powerful the shine of colours is, the more powerful energy the stone will emit. The different colours within moonstone create an optical phenomenon called labradorescence, which is mainly found in Labradorite.

Moonstone is typically the symbol of fertility and sensuality. Helping women through “the time of the month”, Moonstone will provide support during times of change, soothe emotions and help balance your hormones. For men, Moonstone will help in opening up your emotional self and being open to love.

Generally Rose Quartz is considered to be the stone of love, but unbeknown to most, Moonstone can also be quite helpful in love and relationships. Moonstone reminds you to love openly and without resistance or judgement. Your moonstone will guide you towards the loves in your life.

Moonstone is a protective stone and will bring a soothing and tranquil sensation to your daily activities. The powers expressed by Moonstone are infused with vitality and creative energy. Moonstone will assist you to let go of your negative emotions and energies.

Physical healing – Moonstone will assist with your digestive system and help eliminate toxins. It can also help reduce high levels of fluid retention. Moonstone has been known to assist with degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. Moonstone will help females with menstrual/hormonal issues and help to have easy pregnancy and child birth.

Emotional/Spiritual healing – Moonstone is a master healer for your omen. It will help you heal spiritually and emotionally, and regain power along with your inner balance. Moonstone will bring you happiness, good fortune, as well as a nuturing and motherly sensation – giving you a sensation that someone is watching over you. As mentioned before, Moonstone will quide you towards love, and will also give you insights on how you can love yourself.

Wearing a Moonstone pendant will help soothe your heart and physical issues. Wearing a Moonstone ring will help it touch the energy connected to your inner balance and spiritual healing.

Moonstone has a deep connection to the third eye and solar plexus Chakra locations.

Moonstone needs to be regularly cleansed and re-energised as it holds alot of power. The most powerful way to cleanse your Moonstone is through the use of the Moon. Put your Moonstone in direct moonlight for every full moon, and don’t forget to talk to it at the same time. You can read through the whole process here, and see all the dates for the 2018 full moons here.

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals
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Pictured – Rainbow Moonstone Rough Chunk

Clear Quartz

The Clear Quartz is a very special Crystal, it is a very powerful healer and amplifies power within other crystals. It is also believed to carry the powers of a master healer and pure life force.

In ancient times it was thought to be a form of non-melting ice, and the word Crystal actually comes from the Greek word Krustallos, which means Ice. So you could almost say Clear Quartz was the one that started it all!

In ancient Japan they called the Clear Quartz the perfect jewel, and viewed it as a symbol of purity, preservence and patience.

Even though Clear Quartz is the perfect feel better stone, it actually isn’t the most popular member of the Quartz family. Surprisingly Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Citrine all rank higher in the popularity charts then their clear counterpart.

Clear Quartz is considered to be a very common stone, and can be found in many places around the world, such as Arkansas, USA, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa & Tibet.

Like all the other Quartz family members, Clear Quartz is made from silicon dioxide and sits at number 7 on the hardness scale. Although it has clear in its name it can actually range in colour from being crystal clear (pun intended) to dense & cloudy.

The Clear Quartz associates with the crown chakra, but can be used as a substitute on any other chakra points if you don’t have the correct crystals.

Physically Clear Quartz will help you with healing and energising the body, helps to control diabetes, exhaustion, memory, can boost metabolism and aid weight loss. It will also assist with relieving the pain of ear infections, and restoring hearing and balance problems.

You can use Clear Quartz as a substitute or amplifier of other crystals when relieving pain. Use Clear Quartz in conjunction with another stone, or by itself, and rub your sore areas in an anti-clockwise direction. To restore health, you do the exact same thing but rub your stone and Clear Quartz in a clockwise direction.

Emotionally and Spiritually the Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer. It can improve the quality of life, re-energise you and channels all energies to help you in all situations. Clear Quartz is said to help clear the mind and clarify thoughts.

You will need to use meditation and visualisation to program this crystal for your intentions. Clear Quartz will help deepen your meditation, so it’s a great one to always have around you.

Clear Quartz is a tough little cookie, so you can cleanse it using any method that suits you. Just don’t forget to cleanse your Clear Quartz! As it is used for everything, it will store lots of negative energies, so you will need to cleanse it once a month (or every full moon).

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals

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Lapis Lazuli

La-la-lapis, the stone of royalty and truth. Lapis is a beautiful mix of sodium, calcium and almost always includes lazurite, sodalite, calcite and pyrite. This stone can range between 5 and 5.5 on the hardness scale depending on the composition of each specimen. Lapis can range in colour from royal blue to purple-blue to green-blue, but it will always have little flecks of gold. A little tip – the deeper the blue, the more powerful the stone will be.

This blue beauty can be found in Afghanistan, Chile, Russia, Italy and the Middle East. Not only can it be found in these countries, but many, many years ago it was used to entomb and decorate the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Fun fact: keeping Lapis on your desk, or in your work space, will help increase your chances of promotion!

Lapis has zodiac connections to Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius. The planetary connections for Lapis are Saturn and Venus. As for the Chakras, Lapis works well with both the throat and the third eye. Wearing or holding Lapis bear your throat will help you speak the truth and have more honest communication/connections with yourself and those you love. Lapis will help you activate your third eye and access spiritual guidance.

Not only is Lapis know as the stone of royalty and truth, it is also known as the stone of friendship. It will bring you, or the friend you gift it to, plenty of love, loyalty, fun and devotion. Through continued use of Lapis Lazuli you will start to feel more at ease when with your friends or around others.

Fun fact: Buddhist beliefs recommend using Lapis Lazuli to bring you inner peace, and free you from negative thoughts or emotions. 

Emotional/Spiritual uses include: relaxation, creativity, curing depression, keeping nightmares at bay, forces you to take responsibility for yourself, reflection, self-awareness and opening up your communication with the spiritual world.

Physical/Medical uses are: helps get rid of headaches/migraines, reduce pain and inflammation,  produce healthy bone marrow, helps subside vertigo and dizziness, assists in repairing muscles and bones. Lapis has also been said to help with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, although this is not medically proven.

How can I use my Lapis you ask? Well, one of the best ways to harness the full potential of Lapis is to wear it on your body (jewellery) or carry it in your pocket (or bra if you wear one!). If you are wanting to use Lapis for a particular reason, reducing pain for example, you will get the most benefit from rubbing your painful areas with Lapis.

I personally have two Lapis pieces. The first one is a Lapis wand, which I use to massage areas of pain. The second is a tumblestone, which I carry with me and meditate with to harness the other abilities that Lapis can offer. I do this because I consider pain to be a negative energy, and do not want my tumblestone to hold any negative energies.

If you don’t have a medical, emotional or spiritual use for Lapis, then you can place a piece of Lapis in your office or in your work space to help get that promotion you deserve!

Lapis can also be turned into an Elixir by placing into water, leaving to “soak” for 24 hours, then removing before drinking the water.

And last but not least, don’t forget to cleanse your crystals! 

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals
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