Clear Quartz

The Clear Quartz is a very special Crystal, it is a very powerful healer and amplifies power within other crystals. It is also believed to carry the powers of a master healer and pure life force.

In ancient times it was thought to be a form of non-melting ice, and the word Crystal actually comes from the Greek word Krustallos, which means Ice. So you could almost say Clear Quartz was the one that started it all!

In ancient Japan they called the Clear Quartz the perfect jewel, and viewed it as a symbol of purity, preservence and patience.

Even though Clear Quartz is the perfect feel better stone, it actually isn’t the most popular member of the Quartz family. Surprisingly Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Citrine all rank higher in the popularity charts then their clear counterpart.

Clear Quartz is considered to be a very common stone, and can be found in many places around the world, such as Arkansas, USA, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa & Tibet.

Like all the other Quartz family members, Clear Quartz is made from silicon dioxide and sits at number 7 on the hardness scale. Although it has clear in its name it can actually range in colour from being crystal clear (pun intended) to dense & cloudy.

The Clear Quartz associates with the crown chakra, but can be used as a substitute on any other chakra points if you don’t have the correct crystals.

Physically Clear Quartz will help you with healing and energising the body, helps to control diabetes, exhaustion, memory, can boost metabolism and aid weight loss. It will also assist with relieving the pain of ear infections, and restoring hearing and balance problems.

You can use Clear Quartz as a substitute or amplifier of other crystals when relieving pain. Use Clear Quartz in conjunction with another stone, or by itself, and rub your sore areas in an anti-clockwise direction. To restore health, you do the exact same thing but rub your stone and Clear Quartz in a clockwise direction.

Emotionally and Spiritually the Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer. It can improve the quality of life, re-energise you and channels all energies to help you in all situations. Clear Quartz is said to help clear the mind and clarify thoughts.

You will need to use meditation and visualisation to program this crystal for your intentions. Clear Quartz will help deepen your meditation, so it’s a great one to always have around you.

Clear Quartz is a tough little cookie, so you can cleanse it using any method that suits you. Just don’t forget to cleanse your Clear Quartz! As it is used for everything, it will store lots of negative energies, so you will need to cleanse it once a month (or every full moon).

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals

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Hear we are, talking about another member of the Quartz family – Citrine. This lovely little stone comes in so many different variations, it could be classed as its own family! The same as the other specimens in the crystal family, Citrine has a chemical composition of silicon dioxide, and a hardness rating of 7.

Fun fact: The most commonly found type of Citrine is heat-treated Citrine, which is actually Amethyst that has been heated to a very high temperature and turned yellow! Don’t fret, crystals are subject to very high temperatures during their creation, so heat-treating doesn’t hurt them – it does however change their energies and the frequencies of visible light they carry. 

Heat-treated Citrine actually have very different energies and powers than natural Citrine, which is why we’re discussing them separately. Heat-treated Citrine is generally much lighter in colour than other types of Citrine (for reference, the photo attached to this post is heat-heated Citrine). This type of Citrine will help you become more assertive and outgoing, as well as making boundaries and sticking to them – perfect to have around when talking about your New Year Resolutions! Emotionally, heat-treated Citrine will help to lighten dark thoughts and/or depression, and will bring you optimism, playfulness and happiness. It will give you that second wind you need to attack difficult situations head first. For its physical benefits, heat-treated Citrine will help with digestive issues, metabolism, support weight loss and increase energy levels during exercise.

Natural Citrine holds very powerful energies which help clearing and strengthening of ones personal will. It will find and help heal feelings of powerlessness and gives you the courage to make hard choices or take difficult actions. Natural Citrine draws purifying powers from its natural Smokey Quartz energies. Citrine will help you physically by enhancing you stamina and energy levels, as well as supporting your digestive system and metabolism. Emotionally Citrine will help you resolve difficult situations and guide you down the right path when obstacles appear in your way.

Smoky Citrine & Smokey Citrine Herkimer are very powerful crystals. They do not accept negative energy, therefore never need cleansing. The Smokey Citrine Herkimer is perfect for removing vows from previous lives, and clears away old negative thoughts. This stone also helps increase optimism, creativity, self-esteem, and will help with digestive systems.

The Citrine Spirit Quartz is a very high vibration stone which emits very high levels of self-awareness. It will purify and cleanse your aura, and will help direct your life to a positive place. This stone will help you if you run a business as it will help you focus on your goals and plan ahead. As well as being helpful in conflict resolution, it can be programmed to send forgiveness to those who have wronged you, and forgiving yourself.

Fun Fact: When using Citrine as an elixir, it will help you with menstrual problems, menopause, hot flushes, balancing hormones and fatigue. Sounds like something all us girls need, right?! 

All different types of Citrine will bring you wealth and good fortune, so keep a small piece in your wallet or money tin!

Found in Brazil, Russia, Madagascar, South Africa, India, North and South America.

Chakra 3rd (Solar Plexus)

Zodiac Signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo and Libra

Cleansing your Citrine can be done in all the different ways that we listed on the Cleansing Your Crystals page BUT don’t forget that your Smokey Citrine Herkimer does not need to be cleansed at all!

Until next time, sending lots of love and happiness your way

Telluric Crystals
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Rose Quartz

Oh how we adore the stone of love! This bad boy actually has a pretty cool story behind it, believe it if you dare! Some say that Adonis, the lover of Aphrodite (or Venus in Roman lore), was attacked by the God of War, Ares. Aphrodite rushed over to save him but accidentally cut herself on a briar bush. The blood from Adonis and Aphrodite mixed together and stained a nearby clear quartz. And that’s how the Rose Quartz was born!

Fun fact: Rose Quartz is known as a mothering stone, which will help give you the mothering assistance you may need if you’ve lost your mother. 

Other than being stained by the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite, Rose Quartz has a very similar chemical composition to Amethyst – silicon dioxide with manganese impurities – and can range in colour from translucent pinks to a very deep pinks with speckles of red.  Rose Quartz has a hardness rating of 7 (can scratch glass).

Chakra: Crown (4th)

Physical/Medical benefits: Help circulation, assists healing mothers after child-birth, aids stress related symptoms, fertility & the female reproductive system.

Emotional/Spiritual benefits: Promoting love, subsiding depression (especially post-natal), forgiving mistakes, provides calming effects and clears the mind of fear, anxiety and emotional trauma.

How do I use Rose Quartz? Rose Quartz can be used in so many ways! You can carry it with you in a little pouch, or meditate with it. One of the best ways to use Rose Quartz is to put a decent size chunk in each room of your house to promote love and happiness for all residents. I personally have a large chunk of Rose Quartz next to my bed to surround me and my partner in a beacon of love.

Fun fact: If you hold a piece of Rose Quartz on your stomach during pregnancy, it will help create a bond with your unborn child! Bringing the stone into the delivery room with you will also help cement this bond and help soothe the child in the days after birth. 

You can use Rose Quartz to create an elixir. Put a cleansed Rose Quartz specimen in a glass of purified water for up to 24 hours. Once you remove the specimen with a wooden spoon, you can leave the elixir in the fridge for up to 72 hours if it is covered.

Cleansing your Rose Quartz is very simple as you can use every method we’ve listed in our Cleansing Your Crystals page.

 Until next time, sending lots of love and happiness your way.

Telluric Crystals
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