
Here you are, reading about the pearly white beauty we call Moonstone. As the name suggests, this amazing stone has a deep connection to the moon and harnesses the intense powers and energies of our Mother Moon. Moonstone is a fairly common stone, and can be found all over the world in locations such as Sri Lanka, India, United States and even Australia.

The beauty of Moonstone is in the colours – ranging from blue to purple to gold, all immersed in a powerful shimmery white. As each stone is unique in colour they are also unique in power. The clearer the white and more powerful the shine of colours is, the more powerful energy the stone will emit. The different colours within moonstone create an optical phenomenon called labradorescence, which is mainly found in Labradorite.

Moonstone is typically the symbol of fertility and sensuality. Helping women through “the time of the month”, Moonstone will provide support during times of change, soothe emotions and help balance your hormones. For men, Moonstone will help in opening up your emotional self and being open to love.

Generally Rose Quartz is considered to be the stone of love, but unbeknown to most, Moonstone can also be quite helpful in love and relationships. Moonstone reminds you to love openly and without resistance or judgement. Your moonstone will guide you towards the loves in your life.

Moonstone is a protective stone and will bring a soothing and tranquil sensation to your daily activities. The powers expressed by Moonstone are infused with vitality and creative energy. Moonstone will assist you to let go of your negative emotions and energies.

Physical healing – Moonstone will assist with your digestive system and help eliminate toxins. It can also help reduce high levels of fluid retention. Moonstone has been known to assist with degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. Moonstone will help females with menstrual/hormonal issues and help to have easy pregnancy and child birth.

Emotional/Spiritual healing – Moonstone is a master healer for your omen. It will help you heal spiritually and emotionally, and regain power along with your inner balance. Moonstone will bring you happiness, good fortune, as well as a nuturing and motherly sensation – giving you a sensation that someone is watching over you. As mentioned before, Moonstone will quide you towards love, and will also give you insights on how you can love yourself.

Wearing a Moonstone pendant will help soothe your heart and physical issues. Wearing a Moonstone ring will help it touch the energy connected to your inner balance and spiritual healing.

Moonstone has a deep connection to the third eye and solar plexus Chakra locations.

Moonstone needs to be regularly cleansed and re-energised as it holds alot of power. The most powerful way to cleanse your Moonstone is through the use of the Moon. Put your Moonstone in direct moonlight for every full moon, and don’t forget to talk to it at the same time. You can read through the whole process here, and see all the dates for the 2018 full moons here.

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals
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Pictured – Rainbow Moonstone Rough Chunk

Clear Quartz

The Clear Quartz is a very special Crystal, it is a very powerful healer and amplifies power within other crystals. It is also believed to carry the powers of a master healer and pure life force.

In ancient times it was thought to be a form of non-melting ice, and the word Crystal actually comes from the Greek word Krustallos, which means Ice. So you could almost say Clear Quartz was the one that started it all!

In ancient Japan they called the Clear Quartz the perfect jewel, and viewed it as a symbol of purity, preservence and patience.

Even though Clear Quartz is the perfect feel better stone, it actually isn’t the most popular member of the Quartz family. Surprisingly Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Citrine all rank higher in the popularity charts then their clear counterpart.

Clear Quartz is considered to be a very common stone, and can be found in many places around the world, such as Arkansas, USA, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa & Tibet.

Like all the other Quartz family members, Clear Quartz is made from silicon dioxide and sits at number 7 on the hardness scale. Although it has clear in its name it can actually range in colour from being crystal clear (pun intended) to dense & cloudy.

The Clear Quartz associates with the crown chakra, but can be used as a substitute on any other chakra points if you don’t have the correct crystals.

Physically Clear Quartz will help you with healing and energising the body, helps to control diabetes, exhaustion, memory, can boost metabolism and aid weight loss. It will also assist with relieving the pain of ear infections, and restoring hearing and balance problems.

You can use Clear Quartz as a substitute or amplifier of other crystals when relieving pain. Use Clear Quartz in conjunction with another stone, or by itself, and rub your sore areas in an anti-clockwise direction. To restore health, you do the exact same thing but rub your stone and Clear Quartz in a clockwise direction.

Emotionally and Spiritually the Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer. It can improve the quality of life, re-energise you and channels all energies to help you in all situations. Clear Quartz is said to help clear the mind and clarify thoughts.

You will need to use meditation and visualisation to program this crystal for your intentions. Clear Quartz will help deepen your meditation, so it’s a great one to always have around you.

Clear Quartz is a tough little cookie, so you can cleanse it using any method that suits you. Just don’t forget to cleanse your Clear Quartz! As it is used for everything, it will store lots of negative energies, so you will need to cleanse it once a month (or every full moon).

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals

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Lapis Lazuli

La-la-lapis, the stone of royalty and truth. Lapis is a beautiful mix of sodium, calcium and almost always includes lazurite, sodalite, calcite and pyrite. This stone can range between 5 and 5.5 on the hardness scale depending on the composition of each specimen. Lapis can range in colour from royal blue to purple-blue to green-blue, but it will always have little flecks of gold. A little tip – the deeper the blue, the more powerful the stone will be.

This blue beauty can be found in Afghanistan, Chile, Russia, Italy and the Middle East. Not only can it be found in these countries, but many, many years ago it was used to entomb and decorate the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Fun fact: keeping Lapis on your desk, or in your work space, will help increase your chances of promotion!

Lapis has zodiac connections to Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius. The planetary connections for Lapis are Saturn and Venus. As for the Chakras, Lapis works well with both the throat and the third eye. Wearing or holding Lapis bear your throat will help you speak the truth and have more honest communication/connections with yourself and those you love. Lapis will help you activate your third eye and access spiritual guidance.

Not only is Lapis know as the stone of royalty and truth, it is also known as the stone of friendship. It will bring you, or the friend you gift it to, plenty of love, loyalty, fun and devotion. Through continued use of Lapis Lazuli you will start to feel more at ease when with your friends or around others.

Fun fact: Buddhist beliefs recommend using Lapis Lazuli to bring you inner peace, and free you from negative thoughts or emotions. 

Emotional/Spiritual uses include: relaxation, creativity, curing depression, keeping nightmares at bay, forces you to take responsibility for yourself, reflection, self-awareness and opening up your communication with the spiritual world.

Physical/Medical uses are: helps get rid of headaches/migraines, reduce pain and inflammation,  produce healthy bone marrow, helps subside vertigo and dizziness, assists in repairing muscles and bones. Lapis has also been said to help with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, although this is not medically proven.

How can I use my Lapis you ask? Well, one of the best ways to harness the full potential of Lapis is to wear it on your body (jewellery) or carry it in your pocket (or bra if you wear one!). If you are wanting to use Lapis for a particular reason, reducing pain for example, you will get the most benefit from rubbing your painful areas with Lapis.

I personally have two Lapis pieces. The first one is a Lapis wand, which I use to massage areas of pain. The second is a tumblestone, which I carry with me and meditate with to harness the other abilities that Lapis can offer. I do this because I consider pain to be a negative energy, and do not want my tumblestone to hold any negative energies.

If you don’t have a medical, emotional or spiritual use for Lapis, then you can place a piece of Lapis in your office or in your work space to help get that promotion you deserve!

Lapis can also be turned into an Elixir by placing into water, leaving to “soak” for 24 hours, then removing before drinking the water.

And last but not least, don’t forget to cleanse your crystals! 

Sending lots of love and happiness,

Telluric Crystals
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Hear we are, talking about another member of the Quartz family – Citrine. This lovely little stone comes in so many different variations, it could be classed as its own family! The same as the other specimens in the crystal family, Citrine has a chemical composition of silicon dioxide, and a hardness rating of 7.

Fun fact: The most commonly found type of Citrine is heat-treated Citrine, which is actually Amethyst that has been heated to a very high temperature and turned yellow! Don’t fret, crystals are subject to very high temperatures during their creation, so heat-treating doesn’t hurt them – it does however change their energies and the frequencies of visible light they carry. 

Heat-treated Citrine actually have very different energies and powers than natural Citrine, which is why we’re discussing them separately. Heat-treated Citrine is generally much lighter in colour than other types of Citrine (for reference, the photo attached to this post is heat-heated Citrine). This type of Citrine will help you become more assertive and outgoing, as well as making boundaries and sticking to them – perfect to have around when talking about your New Year Resolutions! Emotionally, heat-treated Citrine will help to lighten dark thoughts and/or depression, and will bring you optimism, playfulness and happiness. It will give you that second wind you need to attack difficult situations head first. For its physical benefits, heat-treated Citrine will help with digestive issues, metabolism, support weight loss and increase energy levels during exercise.

Natural Citrine holds very powerful energies which help clearing and strengthening of ones personal will. It will find and help heal feelings of powerlessness and gives you the courage to make hard choices or take difficult actions. Natural Citrine draws purifying powers from its natural Smokey Quartz energies. Citrine will help you physically by enhancing you stamina and energy levels, as well as supporting your digestive system and metabolism. Emotionally Citrine will help you resolve difficult situations and guide you down the right path when obstacles appear in your way.

Smoky Citrine & Smokey Citrine Herkimer are very powerful crystals. They do not accept negative energy, therefore never need cleansing. The Smokey Citrine Herkimer is perfect for removing vows from previous lives, and clears away old negative thoughts. This stone also helps increase optimism, creativity, self-esteem, and will help with digestive systems.

The Citrine Spirit Quartz is a very high vibration stone which emits very high levels of self-awareness. It will purify and cleanse your aura, and will help direct your life to a positive place. This stone will help you if you run a business as it will help you focus on your goals and plan ahead. As well as being helpful in conflict resolution, it can be programmed to send forgiveness to those who have wronged you, and forgiving yourself.

Fun Fact: When using Citrine as an elixir, it will help you with menstrual problems, menopause, hot flushes, balancing hormones and fatigue. Sounds like something all us girls need, right?! 

All different types of Citrine will bring you wealth and good fortune, so keep a small piece in your wallet or money tin!

Found in Brazil, Russia, Madagascar, South Africa, India, North and South America.

Chakra 3rd (Solar Plexus)

Zodiac Signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo and Libra

Cleansing your Citrine can be done in all the different ways that we listed on the Cleansing Your Crystals page BUT don’t forget that your Smokey Citrine Herkimer does not need to be cleansed at all!

Until next time, sending lots of love and happiness your way

Telluric Crystals
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Rose Quartz

Oh how we adore the stone of love! This bad boy actually has a pretty cool story behind it, believe it if you dare! Some say that Adonis, the lover of Aphrodite (or Venus in Roman lore), was attacked by the God of War, Ares. Aphrodite rushed over to save him but accidentally cut herself on a briar bush. The blood from Adonis and Aphrodite mixed together and stained a nearby clear quartz. And that’s how the Rose Quartz was born!

Fun fact: Rose Quartz is known as a mothering stone, which will help give you the mothering assistance you may need if you’ve lost your mother. 

Other than being stained by the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite, Rose Quartz has a very similar chemical composition to Amethyst – silicon dioxide with manganese impurities – and can range in colour from translucent pinks to a very deep pinks with speckles of red.  Rose Quartz has a hardness rating of 7 (can scratch glass).

Chakra: Crown (4th)

Physical/Medical benefits: Help circulation, assists healing mothers after child-birth, aids stress related symptoms, fertility & the female reproductive system.

Emotional/Spiritual benefits: Promoting love, subsiding depression (especially post-natal), forgiving mistakes, provides calming effects and clears the mind of fear, anxiety and emotional trauma.

How do I use Rose Quartz? Rose Quartz can be used in so many ways! You can carry it with you in a little pouch, or meditate with it. One of the best ways to use Rose Quartz is to put a decent size chunk in each room of your house to promote love and happiness for all residents. I personally have a large chunk of Rose Quartz next to my bed to surround me and my partner in a beacon of love.

Fun fact: If you hold a piece of Rose Quartz on your stomach during pregnancy, it will help create a bond with your unborn child! Bringing the stone into the delivery room with you will also help cement this bond and help soothe the child in the days after birth. 

You can use Rose Quartz to create an elixir. Put a cleansed Rose Quartz specimen in a glass of purified water for up to 24 hours. Once you remove the specimen with a wooden spoon, you can leave the elixir in the fridge for up to 72 hours if it is covered.

Cleansing your Rose Quartz is very simple as you can use every method we’ve listed in our Cleansing Your Crystals page.

 Until next time, sending lots of love and happiness your way.

Telluric Crystals
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Oh how I love this stone! Amethyst is one of those stones that pretty much everyone has heard of at some point in their life. It’s such a beautiful crystal, and honestly looks amazing in any form. I actually own multiple Amethyst pieces, and will always continue to grow my Amethyst collection!

Now for the facts! 

Amethyst sits within the Quartz family and is made from silicon dioxide. The purple colouring you see in Amethyst is caused by iron impurities or manganese compounds. You will always see different shades of purple within Amethyst specimens, as the colouring can vary from very light to very dark purple, however the purest form of Amethyst actually has no colour.

Amethyst can be found all across the world, but most specifically in Brazil, Canada,, South Korea, Russia, Uruguay and the United States. Along with its ability to be found world-wide, Amethyst holds a hardness rating of 7, which means it could scratch a glass window!

If you are born in February or are an Aquarius, then you’re one of the lucky ones to have Amethyst as your birth and/or zodiac stone. Amethyst also has planetary associations to both Neptune and Jupiter.

Fun fact: If you heat-treat purple Amethyst (it has to be super-duper hot, and use the right type of heat), the Amethyst specimen will turn into Citrine! How cool is that?! 

Every person you talk to, or website/book you read, will have heaps of different medical, physical or spiritual uses for Amethyst. I am only listing the most common uses, or uses that have been referenced a heap, because I don’t want to overload you with information. If you do want to know all of the uses for Amethyst, use the Contact Us page and we can send them all through to you!

Physical/Medical Uses: physical pain, bruising, swelling, burns, hearing disorders, immune system, lungs, skin complications, and assists in sobriety.

Emotional/Spiritual Uses: emotional and psychological pain, decision-making, recurrent nightmares, stress, anger, anxiety, grief, insomnia, awareness, peacefulness, and helps to warn off negativity.

Chakras: Third eye & Crown.

How do I use Amethyst? Amethyst can be used in several ways, however it depends on your particular intentions (how you want it to improve your life). For the majority of the uses listed above, meditating with your Amethyst specimen and/or carrying it with you will help you. For physical/medical uses such as pain, bruising, swelling, burns or anything similar, you can rub your Amethyst specimen over the area of pain while you are meditating, or simply having a moment of quiet. If you are hoping to use Amethyst to assist with sleep related disorders, such as insomnia and nightmares, meditate holding your Amethyst before getting into bed, and sleep with the Amethyst under, on or next to your pillow.

Cleansing Amethysts: Don’t forget to cleanse your Amethysts regularly. You can find different ways to cleanse your crystals on our Cleansing Your Crystals page. Amethyst is not a sensitive stone, therefore there is no limitations on the cleansing methods you can use.

Fun fact: if you are lucky enough to own or have access to an Amethyst Geode, you can actually use the Geode to cleanse your smaller crystals! Simply place your small crystals inside your Amethyst Geode and wait 12 to 72 hours before removing.

That’s all for now my little pretties! Until next time, sending lots of love and happiness.

Telluric Crystals

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2018 Lunar Calendar

Here is the 2018 full moon calendar for all you little lovelies wanting to do a full moon cleanse! If you missed the post on how to cleanse your crystals, you can find it all here Cleanse Your Crystals.

New Moon                                Full Moon 

                                                    02 January 2018

17 January 2018                       31 January 2018

16 February 2018                     02 March 2018

17 March 2018                          31 March 2018

16 April 2018                            30 April 2018

15 May 2018                              30 May 2018

14 June 2018                             28 June 2018

13 July 2018                              28 July 2018

11 August 2018                         26 August 2018

10 September 2018                  25 September 2018

09 October 2018                       25 October 2018

08 November 2018                   23 November 2018

07 December 2018                    23 December 2018

Don’t worry if you miss the dates listed above, your cleanses will be just as effective if you complete them the night before or the night after!

2018 is a very special year for the moon! January 31st a very special super blue blood moon eclipse. This event has not happened since the second half of the 19th century. It’s being called a super blue blood moon eclipse because three separate celestial events – a blue moon, supermoon and a full lunar eclipse – will occur at the same time on January 31st!

March 31st is also a blue moon, as it’s the second full moon in a month! Blue moons only occur every few years, hence the saying once in a blue moon, but we’re lucky enough to have two amazing blue moons in one year!

All I can say is take advantage of these special lunar events by cleansing and charging your crystals regularly – I know i’ll be spending hours outside on January 31st taking as much energy from the moon as I can!

Sending lots of love and happiness.

Telluric Crystals
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Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystals have the ability to hold and store energies emitted from those around it, whether it be positive or negative, because of this crystals need to be regularly cleansed. Cleansing your crystals helps rid them of stored energies to make way for your new energies and intentions. Cleansing also helps you get the full benefits out of your crystals.

There are so many ways to cleanse your crystals, none of them are wrong, it all just comes down to your personal preference, what items and time you have available or the composition of a particular stone (for example, Halite is a salt crystal, and cannot be emerged in water as it will dissolve).

Cleansing with the full moon is the way I prefer to cleanse my crystals. I consider it the most natural form of cleansing, as well as being the easiest!

Step 1. Gather all your crystals together and rinse them one by one under running water. I use tap water because it is super close to where I leave my crystals to bathe in the moons rays.

Step 2. Lay all your crystals out where they will get the most moonlight. Crystals love to be surrounded by the earth so if you have the ability to lay them on the ground or in soil definitely do it! If you don’t have access or feel comfortable leaving them on the ground all night, sitting them on a window sill, tabletop or anything else will also work – They just need to be in the moonlight.

Step 3. This is an optional step. I like to sit with my crystals for a little bit (about half an hour), just talking to them about my intentions and goals, and how I would like my crystals to help me reach these goals. If I run out of things to say, or just don’t feel like talking, I’ll sit next to my crystals and quietly meditate. This is also a great opportunity to multi task and have a bit of quiet time for your self, away from technology and distractions!

Step 4. Leave your crystals in the moonlight for as long as you want. I leave my crystals out over night, and don’t bring them in until after sun rise the next morning. For me, leaving my crystals out until after sun rise reassures me my crystals are getting a full charge from both the moon and a little bit of sun. If you don’t want to leave your crystals out overnight, that’s cool, just bring them in when you are ready.

Step 5. If you didn’t do step 3, now is when you need to tell your crystals your intentions and goals. You can do which ever way you feel comfortable, whether it be talking out loud or meditation quietly, find what works for you and do it! If you did do step 3, you can repeat it again here if you want! I always do, just to make sure I am super charging my crystals.

Step 6. Don’t forget to close off the cleansing process! Close your eyes and say a small prayer thanking your higher powers, whatever they may be. I like to thank Mother Earth, the Universe, the Spirits and my crystals for their part in helping and guiding me.

If you miss the full moon you can go through this cleansing process on the night before or the night after the full moon – you’ll still get the same powerful cleanse from the moon! You can find a list of all the full moons for 2018 here.

Cleansing using salt water is considered one of the most thorough ways to cleanse your crystals, BUT it is not suitable for all crystals. Crystals that are porous, contain metal or water content are unsuitable for this method of cleansing. That means, no Halite, Opal, Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli or Hematite to name a few. If you’re unsure whether or not your crystal is suitable for the salt water method, just check out the relevant crystal blog post for clarification!

To do the salt water cleanse you will need a glass bowl, not metal, filled 3/4 full of salt water. Use ocean water or sea salt if you have access to it, if not cooking salt is perfectly fine. Fully submerse all your suitable crystals in the salt water and leave for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours. If you feel your crystals need a really need cleanse, you can leave them in the salt water for up to 1 week.

Remember to thoroughly rinse your crystals once you have taken them out of the salt water. Make sure you get all of the salt off as over time it may cause damage to your crystals.

As with the full moon cleanse, don’t forget to re-program your crystals by telling them your intentions and goals. Then close off the cleansing process by thanking your higher powers (read above for how I do it!).

Cleansing using dry salt is an excellent way to use salt to cleanse the crystals that are not suited for water! All you need to do is half fill a glass bowl with either sea salt or cooking salt, and either place your crystals on top or bury them in the salt. You can leave your crystals to cleanse overnight, or for up to a week if they are in need of a deep cleanse.

Finish off the dry salt cleanse in the same way you finish the salt water cleanse, by rinsing your crystals in running water, advising the crystals of your intentions and closing off the cleanse by saying thank you to the higher powers. Simples!

Cleansing with the non-contact salt method is just another variation of the salt water and dry salt cleansing methods. This is a great one to use if you’re still unsure about the crystals having direct contact with salt, or for cleansing crystals and stones which have been made into jewellery/surrounded by metal (cause salt is bad for metal).

To start the non-contact salt method, you will need to half fill a glass bowl with sea or cooking salt (surprise – this is the same process as the dry salt method). Then place a considerably smaller glass bowl or glass drinking cup (or mason jar, empty jam jar, basically any small glass jar/container you have) smack bang in the middle of the salt and bury it in a little bit, making sure you don’t get any salt inside the smaller jar. All you do now is carefully place your crystals into the small glass jar and patiently wait until the cleansing process is complete, which honestly is at your discretion. I leave for between 24 hours to one week as this process takes longer than direct contact methods. You can pour water into the small jar, just enough to cover the crystals, if you would like to further protect the crystals from the salty air, however just make sure you aren’t putting water on the crystals that cannot go into the water (cause they are basically allergic).

As always, finish off your cleanse by telling your crystals your intentions and saying thanks to the higher powers.

Cleansing through smudging is a bit of a fun method, as long as you aren’t near any smoke alarms (you’ll find out why in a second). To smudge cleanse your crystals, you burn either a smudge stick or an incense stick and holding each crystal in the smoke for 20-30 seconds. I like to repeat the smudge method 3 times on each individual crystal, and chant my intentions for each crystal while they are in the smoke. Don’t forget to finish your cleanse with a vote of thanks to the higher powers!

Sage and Sweet Grass, Sandalwood or Cedar Wood are some of the best scents to use during this method, however if you’ve found a particular one you are drawn to or love, feel free to use that instead.

Cleansing through visualisation is another way to cleanse your crystals, but I don’t feel it’s most effective, but that might just be because I can never concentrate long enough for it to work. To cleanse your crystals through visualisation, or a thought cleanse, you cannot do a group of crystals at once, it must be one at a time if you want it to work. Hold your crystal in both hands, which are either placed in your lap or held out in front of you. You can do this with your eyes open or closed, but you need to focus on the crystal and visualise a bright white light surrounding the crystal followed by a white beam of light going through the crystal, taking all of the stored energy with it. Continue this process for each stone until you feel happy each stone has been cleansed and all stored energies are gone. Don’t forget to close off the cleanse process by saying thanks to the higher powers!

Programming your crystals can be a very important process if your chosen crystal has several different uses but you only want its help with one particular thing. To program your crystal you need to sit, or lay down, in a very quiet area away from all distractions. Start by giving your selected crystal a visualisation cleanse by following the above process. Once the visualisation cleanse is complete, focus on transmitting your desired intention or energy from your mind directly to the crystal. Continue transmitting to the crystal until you are happy the process is complete. Try not to confuse the crystal by overloading it with information, you need to be concise and direct.

Finally I think we are finished going through the popular cleansing techniques. Try them all, or just pick one, but leave us a comment to let us know which one you prefer OR if you’ve found another way that works best for you!

Sending lots of love and happiness.

Telluric Crystals

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The Crystals

Every crystal has it’s own blog post! Each post will have the history/origins of the crystals along with the physical, emotional and medical uses of each of the little earthly beauties! If you look closely, you may even find the fun facts we’ve hidden in each post.

Not only are we writing about all the crystals, we’re also putting together our tips on cleansing your crystals, programming your crystals, and hopefully soon we’ll have our own shop too! Keep an eye out for these blogs, as well as any updates on our shop.

Read them all, or only read the ones you need, they will always been here waiting for you.

Sending lots of love and happiness your way

Telluric Crystals

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Our First Post!

Howdy lovers!

Welcome to the Telluric Crystals blog. We really hope you enjoy reading and learning all about the beautiful crystals created by our wonderful planet. Read through the About Us page to learn a little bit about us, and don’t forget to come back every fortnight to read the new blog posts (we’re working our way down the list from A – Z, so you’ll be able to find the new posts in the drop down menu).

Every crystal has it’s own blog post! Each post will have the history/origins of the crystals along with the physical, emotional and medical uses of each of the little earthly beauties! If you look closely, you may even find the fun facts we’ve hidden in each post.

Read them all, or only read the ones you need, they will always been here waiting for you.

In the mean time, we’re sending lots of love and happiness your way.

Telluric Crystals
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